Right now, we are offering a free consultation, call +46 8 98 90 00 or  book here.
*Does not apply to consultations with a plastic surgeon.

Right now, we are offering a free consultation, you can reach us at +46 8 98 90 00 or info@thefaculty.com. This offer does not apply to consultations with a plastic surgeon.

Facial expressions


The so-called scar lines occur when the muscles between the eyebrows contract, which can make you look angry, depressed or worried even if you don’t feel that way. This can be treated with botulinum toxin, which relaxes the eyebrows and reduces the visibility of the wrinkles. With repeated treatments, the body will gradually rebuild the skin so that the wrinkles permanently disappear.

Sagging is a condition where the corners of the mouth point downwards. Several factors can cause this; ageing, poor skin elasticity or genetic predispositions. The effect is to
look sullen or depressed.

Fillers can be used to treat frown lines by filling and lifting the surrounding skin. Increased volume in the mid-face, or cheeks, can also help lift the skin further.

The anguli oris is a facial muscle that pulls down the corners of the mouth. Through a treatment of the DAO (depressor anguli oris muscle) it can be made more relaxed, which lifts the corners of the mouth and gives a more youthful appearance.

You can read about our treatments for better facial expressions below.