Right now, we are offering a free consultation, call +46 8 98 90 00 or  book here.
*Does not apply to consultations with a plastic surgeon.

Right now, we are offering a free consultation, you can reach us at +46 8 98 90 00 or info@thefaculty.com. This offer does not apply to consultations with a plastic surgeon.


The treatment

Pregnancy, weight changes, age and loss of elasticity of the skin are factors that can lead to excess skin and/or unwanted fat deposits on the stomach. It is not always possible to train yourself to a flat and well-shaped abdomen based on the desired results.

Abdominoplasty can be an option to recreate a smoother stomach as well as a well-shaped waist. In such an operation, excess skin and fat are removed from the tummy with the help of surgery and liposuction.

Often, a tummy tuck may need to be combined with a weakened abdominal muscle sewn together, e.g. after pregnancy.

Time for surgery
1-2 hours
Time to recover
1-2 weeks
Why choose The Faculty
All surgeons have extensive experience of all types of body surgery, including tummy tucks, and can validly plan and perform your surgery with tailored results based on your needs, conditions and wishes. The Faculty is one of Europe's largest and most modern clinics with state-of-the-art equipment and consistently experienced, knowledgeable and caring staff. Here you feel safe from the first to the last visit.

Frequently asked questions

Who is the best in Sweden at tummy tucks?

The plastic surgeons at The Faculty together have the longest experience of tummy tucks in the Nordic region.

What is the cost of a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck can vary from a small (upper or lower) tummy tuck that costs from 61 500 SEK, to a full tummy tuck that costs from 97 500 (BMI <25) and 113 000 (BMI >25). A tummy tuck that includes both stomach and back – a so-called circumferential tummy tuck – costs from SEK 175,000.

Do you need a girdle after surgery?

Yes, you need to wear a girdle after a tummy tuck.

How Long Should You Wear Girdle After Abdominoplasty?

After a tummy tuck, you should wear a girdle for about 6 weeks.

How Long Are You Swollen After a Tummy Tuck?

Healing time and how long you are swollen after a tummy tuck is very individual, but after about 6 weeks you can normally exercise as usual. Most patients go back to work after 1-2 weeks.

Would you like to book an appointment?
Book a free consultation.
