Right now, we are offering a free consultation, call +46 8 98 90 00 or  book here.
*Does not apply to consultations with a plastic surgeon.

Right now, we are offering a free consultation, you can reach us at +46 8 98 90 00 or info@thefaculty.com. This offer does not apply to consultations with a plastic surgeon.

Back surgery

The treatment

Age and weight loss are two factors that cause the skin to become less elastic. This can produce excess skin and fat on the back at the level of the bra strap which can be disturbing for many women.

A back tuck removes excess skin and creates a better shape by removing fat from the back and sometimes stretching the remaining skin. For small amounts of excess fat, liposuction of the back may be sufficient, but sometimes surgery in combination with liposuction is needed to remove excess skin.

The scar from the back tuck is diagonal and placed level with the bra to be hidden underneath.

Time for surgery
1-2 hours
Recovery time
1-2 weeks
Why choose The Faculty
All surgeons have extensive experience in all types of body surgery, including back surgery, and can validly plan and perform your surgery with customized results based on your needs, conditions and wishes. The Faculty is one of Europe's largest and most modern clinics with state-of-the-art equipment and consistently experienced, knowledgeable and caring staff. Here you feel safe from the first to the last visit.

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Book a free consultation.
