The treatment
The body’s function and fitness directly affect our active well-being. Regular exercise, a balanced diet and rest are important for our well-being. As we get older, we need to gradually make more of an effort to maintain the shape and function of the body.
Plastic surgery can be a complement to change and improve the shape of the body when exercise and lifestyle changes are not enough to achieve the desired results. Body Surgery, or so-called Body Contouring, is a term that involves surgical procedures that change and improve the shape of the body.
Our experienced plastic surgeons at The Faculty will help you achieve the best possible results based on your personal circumstances, needs and wishes. We focus on delivering results that are tailored and harmonious – always with patient safety as our top priority.
Areas that can be treated are buttocks, abdomen, back, arms and thighs. Several areas can be treated during the same operation, depending on needs and wishes. The surgical techniques used are mainly liposuction combined with surgery to remove excess skin. Sometimes fat is also transferred from one area to another, so-called fat transplantation.